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Our Meats

Mama Sheila's Farm Store is proud to offer our home raised meats including beef, pork and poultry. To guarantee the highest quality standard and safety, all our meats are processed in a government-inspected plant in Barrhead, Alberta.


On our family ranch, we prioritize the health and well-being of our animals. We believe it is best for animals to be raised in natural, outdoor environments with amble access to quality feeds, fresh water and adequate shelter. We do not use growth hormones and work with an exceptional team of veterinarians to ensure optimal heard health. In the event an animal becomes ill and needs antibiotic treatment, it will be documented and that animal will not be marketed for consumption through our program. 

Our meat is sold frozen, by individual cut per pound and in bundle (bulk) quantities. While we currently do not offer the purchase of whole, half or quarter beef.  We are constantly evaluating our options to better serve our customers and hope to offer this when we have the quantity of animals to do so. We understand the desire for larger quantity purchases and are exploring ways to accommodate these requests in the future.


Grass Fed Beef

Our beef is grass fed and grass finished using regenerative and sustainable farming practices on our third-generation family farm!

Our cattle graze on grass pastures throughout the summer and fall months. We feed bales of forage and green feed in the winter month when grazing is not possible due to our cold climate. 

Our cattle not fed large quantities of  grain and do not recieve any corn or soy.




Farm Raised Pork

Our pigs are raised in large, outdoor pens with access to grass, mud and sunshine!

As farmers, we believe in working together as a community; therefore, we choose not to breed and raise our own pigs. Rather, we support our neighbouring farmer friends by purchasing their home raised pigs at weaning time. We then bring them home and raise them to our quality standard and butchering maturity.

By not feeding a boar and sows year around, it keeps out costs down and allows us to be more affordable while supporting our fellow farmer friends!






Although we would love for our brids to be free-range, we believe in full transparency.  After a heartbreaking predator loss of over half our flock this year, we have adjusted our poultry management practices for the safety of our birds. Although isn't ideal, the well-being of our animals is priority.

Our birds are in large, portable outdoor runs with access to ample amounts of food, fresh water, shelter, grass and sunshine! 

We can assure you these management adjustments have had no affect on quality!

Our chickens are anibiotic free and are fed a soy + corn free diet

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